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Tinder Safety in 2025: Everything You Need to Know

Tinder's safety features help protect its members, giving them control over who and how they interact with other users. New features ramped this up to the next level, so let's discuss what this means for you.

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Oppdatert January 1, 2025

What is it and what do I need to know?

  • Tinder safety are the features and steps you can take to protect yourself from unsafe online dating practices.
  • You're in control of how safe your online dating behaviors are.
  • The best way to inspire safety in your matches is by having a good profile, so get your profile review today!

While many online dating apps do their best to keep the scammers and catfishers out there, it's hard to know if the person who you're chatting with is who they say they are. That's why it's so critical that you take measures to protect yourself when you meet in person.

Tinder recently unveiled new safety features to help their users control their interactions on the platform and how they may translate into in-person activities. Here's all you need to know.

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Her er oversikten over artikkelen, føl deg fri til å hoppe til delen som interesserer deg mest.

  1. What is Tinder Safety?
  2. How Can I Be Safe on Tinder?
  3. Examples of Scams on Tinder
  4. Examples of Bad Situations on Tinder

What is Tinder Safety?


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Tinder safety is the features in place to help protect Tinder users on the dating app. From the beginning, Tinder had select safety features in place, including:

  • You need to have an account to browse.

  • You have to mutually like each other to chat.

  • You cannot send pictures via chat to prevent the exchange of unwanted sexually explicit material.

However, that wasn't enough to make its users feel safe when they were trying to form healthy relationships on the platform, so Tinder introduced new features. These additional features are focused on helping members feel they have more control over how they interact with others.

New safety features include:

  • Incognito mode: You can like and nope profiles, but your profile will only show up for those who you have liked.

  • Enhanced blocking: Users can block contacts, block profiles after they have reported them for inappropriate activity, and block profiles before matching so they don't populate in their matches again.

  • Improved Reporting: If you receive an inappropriate message, you can now hold the message to go directly into a chat to report the experience, reducing the number of clicks it takes to make a report.

  • Updates to Does this Bother You and Are You Sure? features: Tinder can automatically detect language and offensive messages that violate its terms, so it will prompt users if they really want to send this. Additionally, it will prompt users on the receiving end to report if the message bothers them. According to Tinder, this has increased the amount of reporting by 46 percent.

These new and enhanced features are in addition to the resources and support they have available in the app to help promote safe dating.

**En liten sidebemerkning. Visste du at det er mulig å gjøre profilen din mer attraktiv på 2 minutter og få flere treff hver dag?

Takket være vår AI som er trent opp på mer enn 10 000 bilder vurdert av sexy gutter og jenter, får du tilgang til personlige tilbakemeldinger og tips for å gjøre datingprofilen din mer attraktiv.

Du får vite nøyaktig hvilke bilder som er bra eller ikke, og ikke minst hvorfor.

Så hva venter du på for å ta kontroll over datinglivet ditt?

How Can I Be Safe on Tinder?

Ingen treff?

SLUTT å sveipe forgjeves, bruk ROAST for å få datadrevet tilbakemelding og en klar handlingsplan for å få flere treff.


Whether you are just entering online dating or are a seasoned veteran, you want to make sure that you act smartly to prevent falling victim to scams, sexual assault, and other bad outcomes.

Let's go over tips to be safe on Tinder, including online and in person.

Online Safety Tips

When you start chatting, here's some guidance you can follow to stay safe.

  • Don't send money: A big red flag is if someone asks you to send money or share financial details with them.

  • Don't share personal information: Scammers often use fake profiles to get information about you to try to steal your identity or catfish others. Don't share details that could compromise this or put others around you at risk.

  • Don't move to text right away: Tinder has message filters in place that can help detect harmful language, including hate speech, unwanted sexual advances, and more. It cannot protect you if you move to text without getting to know the user.

  • Report and block suspicious profiles: Listen to your gut. If someone doesn't seem right, report them! If they make you uncomfortable, block them! You are in control of who you interact with on this popular app.

In-person Safety Tips

Once you're ready to meet in real life, you need to up your safety measures. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

  • Meet in a Public Place: For your first date, make sure that you meet in public. People are less likely to act inappropriately if they are around other people.

  • Do not leave anything unattended: Always keep an eye on your drinks, food, personal items, and more. Bad behavior can be quick, and you don't want to do anything to become a potential victim.

  • Inform others of where you're going: Tell your friends you're on a date and where you're going. Send a picture of the person. If something happens, they can share it with authorities.

  • Trust your gut: Again, if something feels off, trust your intuition. Make an excuse to leave or have someone call with an emergency. Get out of the situation as soon as you can. It's not worth the risk.

Your physical safety is at risk when you meet in person, so make sure that you are meeting new people in a smart and safe way.

**En liten sidebemerkning. Visste du at det er mulig å gjøre profilen din mer attraktiv på 2 minutter og få flere treff hver dag?

Takket være vår AI som er trent opp på mer enn 10 000 bilder vurdert av sexy gutter og jenter, får du tilgang til personlige tilbakemeldinger og tips for å gjøre datingprofilen din mer attraktiv.

Du får vite nøyaktig hvilke bilder som er bra eller ikke, og ikke minst hvorfor.

Så hva venter du på for å ta kontroll over datinglivet ditt?

Examples of Scams on Tinder

Vil du ha flere fyrstikker?

ROAST kan hjelpe deg med å forbedre datingprofilen din slik at du enkelt kan få flere treff.


While Tinder does its best to prevent scammers from joining, it happens. Here are some scams to look out for.

  • Catfishing: If a profile seems too good to be true or a person seems too attractive, they may be pretending to be someone else. Do a reverse image search or try to locate their social media profiles to verify their identity.

  • Money: Many scammers will try to get you to send them money, sharing sad stories to tug on your heartstrings or claim they will pay you back. They will not. Do not send money.

  • Blackmail: Be wary of what you say or share. Many bad actors will prompt you to share risque messages or pictures (off the app) and then use them as blackmail if you do not do what they want you to.

There are other scams out there, so be mindful and keep an eye out for red flags.

**Har du noen gang lurt på hvorfor datingapper fungerer for vennene dine, men ikke for deg?

Det er vanskelig å vite hva som gjør en datingprofil attraktiv, og enda vanskeligere å vite hvilke bilder som er bra eller ikke.

Med vår AI som er trent på mer enn 10 000 bilder vurdert av sexy jenter og datingeksperter, kan vi hjelpe deg med å velge de beste bildene dine og skille deg ut. Gjør datingprofilen din mer attraktiv på bare 2 minutter.

Examples of Bad Situations on Tinder

Vil du ha flere fyrstikker?

ROAST kan hjelpe deg med å forbedre datingprofilen din slik at du enkelt kan få flere treff.


There are other types of bad situations that can happen on Tinder that you want to avoid, and here are some examples so you are aware.

  • Sexual exploitation: Predators can use Tinder to try to sexually exploit others, including forcing them to do things they do not want to do, taking advantage of their loved ones, and, even in extreme cases, sex trafficking. Be aware so you don't become a victim.

  • Drugging: If you leave your drink unattended, predators can slip something in there that would lower your inhibitions, causing you to act in ways you normally would not. This can lead to assault and more.

  • Domestic violence: Some abusers use dating apps to find new victims. It can also cause abuse if a person is cheating and gets caught.

If you are aware of your surroundings and make smart choices, you should be fine when dating on Tinder.


Få datadrevet tilbakemelding og klare tiltak for å styrke profilen din nå, få flere treff og finne den rette.


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Not all situations are bad on Tinder. After all, it wouldn't be one of the most popular dating apps in the world if that were the case!

However, it's important that you keep in mind the safety features available to you and take appropriate action as needed if you feel unsafe.

**Før du drar, hva med å vite hvordan du ligger an i forhold til andre Tinder brukere?

Denne profilgjennomgangen vil avsløre hvordan du ligger an i forhold til andre Tinder brukere, gi deg handlingsrettet tilbakemelding for å forbedre profilen din, og tiltrekke deg flere matcher og dater med folk du virkelig får kontakt med.

Få resultatet ditt på rekordtid med denne testen som er utviklet av vårt team av datingeksperter og sexy kvinner.


Ben Bailey

Ben er en av de beste datingekspertene jeg noensinne har møtt, og en av de få som har knekt algoritmen for nettdating. Hver uke publiserer Ben nye artikler på ROAST, og hjelper mer enn 20 millioner mennesker med å få flere matcher, dater og finne den rette!

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Denne nettsiden er IKKE godkjent eller tilknyttet noen datingapper. Tinder® og Hinge® er de eksklusive registrerte varemerkene til Match Group, LLC. Bumble® er det eksklusive registrerte varemerket til Bumble Holding Ltd.