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Top Tinder Tips for Guys

10 Best Tinder Tips for Guys in 2025

If you want to improve your Tinder game and get more high-quality matches, check out these 10 best tinder tips for guys in 2025. Learn how to market yourself on a dating app today.

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Updated January 1, 2025

Top Tinder Tips for Guys

  • Elevate your Tinder game with over 100 actionable tips tailored for guys. Stand out and boost your matches in 2024.
  • Discover how to make your profile more appealing, take better photos, and craft engaging conversations.
  • Ready to maximize your Tinder success? Get your profile reviewed now. Our AI and Dating Coaches will give you personalized feedback and tips.

Most people would agree that Tinder is a game where you have to know what you're doing in order to find success.

There are many tinder tips for guys out there, but not all of them are created equally. Some tinder tips may even be too good and blow your competition away!

If you want tinder advice, then this article is perfect for you. Below are ten tinder tips that will help give you the upper hand in your competition and make it easier to get matches.

However, if you want advice tailored specifically for you, go with ROAST. You could spend a lot of time applying the tips below and still not end up succeeding -- or you could have ROAST apply their expertise and get more matches overnight. They've studied what works on dating apps, and nobody knows better than them. Start by taking their short quiz.

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Table of Contents

Here is the outline of the article, feel free to jump to the section that interests you the most.

  1. 1. Keep your profile short and sweet
  2. 2. Smile in your pictures!
  3. 3. Use a variety of photos - don't use the same ones over and over again
  4. 4. Show off your personality through pictures, not just words
  5. 5. Be funny!
  6. 6. Don't wait for the perfect message nor the perfect time
  7. 7. Be a good listener
  8. 8. Read between the lines
  9. 9. Use emojis sparingly, but with caution - no one likes an emoji spammer!
  10. 10. Keep things lighthearted and fun for everyone involved (especially you!)
1. Keep your profile short and sweet

1. Keep your profile short and sweet

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Think about the best Tinder profiles you've seen. You know, the ones that make you swipe right on sight?

They're short and sweet.

The perfect balance of witty, confident, and attractive—all in a few sentences. So don't be like those people who write novella-length bios or post selfies with their cat (yes, I'm looking at you).

Furthermore, the most important thing in your dating profile is your first impression. It's the way you want people to see you and it can make or break how successful your dating experience will be.

Don't let one bad picture ruin the whole thing, take time with your profile pictures and think about what they might say about you before posting them on Tinder.

How do you know what's a bad picture? You see pictures of yourself all the time, so how can you judge? You need another pair of eyes -- someone who sees you as a stranger. ROAST can help you out. They'll tell you exactly how your profile will perform and how to change it. They know how Tinder works better than anyone else, and they're ready to help you get more matches. Start by taking their short quiz.

Have you ever wondered why Dating apps are working for your friends but not you?

It's hard to know what makes a dating profile attractive, and even harder to know which pictures are good or not.

With our AI-trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot girls and dating experts, we can help you to choose your best pics and stand out. Make your dating profile more attractive in just 2 minutes.

2. Smile in your pictures!

2. Smile in your pictures!

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ROAST can help you improve your dating profile so you can easily get more dates.


This one is so simple, yet so powerful.

A study conducted by Golle et al. (2012) revealed that the evaluation of attractiveness is strongly influenced by the intensity of a smile expressed on a face:

Smiling is a natural expression and it can help people feel happy, confident, and comfortable. It also makes the person seem approachable. So go ahead and smile! You'll be glad you did!

When we created ROAST, the most efficient way to boost your Tinder profile, we asked

"When I'm looking for a date, the first thing that catches my eye is someone's smile. It even becomes more noticeable in pictures!", Anna

That's why you should always be smiling when taking tinder selfies; it'll make you seem much more attractive and desirable to potential matches.

People are more likely to swipe right on your profile if they see a big grin plastered across your face - so put those pearly whites on full display next time you take out your phone camera!

Getting the perfect smile is hard. It has to be organic, natural, and candid. ROAST can take a look at your profile and tell you which one looks the most genuine and appealing to others. Their advice will net you more matches in no time. Talk to ROAST today.

Small aside. Did you know it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more dates every day?

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot guys and girls, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly which pictures are good or not, and most importantly why.

So, what are you waiting for to take charge of your dating life?

3. Use a variety of photos - don't use the same ones over and over again

3. Use a variety of photos - don't use the same ones over and over again

Want more visibility?

ROAST can help you improve your dating profile so you can easily be at the forefront of the dating game.


One of the most important aspects to consider when putting together a Tinder profile is that it should showcase variety. The same photos over and over again can get boring, which isn't what you want for your potential matches! That's why we recommend uploading at least 3 different types of pictures in your profile.

It's also important to think about how each photo is portraying you, and the type of person that might swipe right on it. For example, if you're looking for someone who likes to stay active or enjoys traveling then try including more pictures showcasing these things!

Small aside. Did you know it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more dates every day?

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot guys and girls, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly which pictures are good or not, and most importantly why.

So, what are you waiting for to take charge of your dating life?

4. Show off your personality through pictures, not just words

4. Show off your personality through pictures, not just words


STOP swiping for nothing, get data-driven feedback and a clear action plan to stop being ghosted and get more dates.


Pictures are a powerful way to express your personality. With the right one, you can let people know what type of person they'll get if they end up dating or living with you!

That's for this reason that you may not only rely on your bio to convey your passions and hobbies.

If you want to learn more about which pictures you should upload or not, I'd recommend reading this article that explains the fundamentals of a good Tinder profile.

The best way to know if you're succeeding is by having someone else take a look at your profile. Who better than ROAST -- a team of experts at dating apps? They'll tell you straight up what needs to change, so there will be no more confusion. Their help will get you more matches in no time. Talk to ROAST today.

Small aside. Did you know it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more dates every day?

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot guys and girls, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly which pictures are good or not, and most importantly why.

So, what are you waiting for to take charge of your dating life?

5. Be funny!

5. Be funny!


STOP swiping for nothing, get data-driven feedback and a clear action plan to stop being ghosted and get more dates.


Did you know that a study found that people are more attracted to individuals who make them laugh? It's true!

But it doesn't stop there, laughter increases the production of hormones such as dopamine and endorphins which can relieve stress. So when you're swiping through Tinder looking for your next match, don't be afraid to crack a joke.

Sending a small joke during the first message is a great way of conveying that you don't take yourself too seriously. It also shows that you're not afraid to make light of things and are able to laugh at yourself.

Humor is so difficult. You can find a joke so funny, but nobody else does. How can you be sure your joke will be funny or charming? Have ROAST take a look. They're like your brand management team, and you're the brand. They'll do everything they can to enhance your best qualities so that they shine. Have ROAST work their magic on your profile today.

Have you ever wondered why Dating apps are working for your friends but not you?

It's hard to know what makes a dating profile attractive, and even harder to know which pictures are good or not.

With our AI-trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot girls and dating experts, we can help you to choose your best pics and stand out. Make your dating profile more attractive in just 2 minutes.

6. Don't wait for the perfect message nor the perfect time

6. Don't wait for the perfect message nor the perfect time

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Last month I ran a little experiment.

For one week, I replied immediately to all the matches I got. Throwing the first opener that popped in my mind. I got 62 matches and out of those 62 matches, 51 replied.

The week after, I waited about a day before replying. Just if I was pretending to be busy or looking for the perfect pick-up line. I got 57 matches, but can you guess what happened? Only 31 girls replied to my first message!


But that wasn’t the most surprising thing…

Even a mere “hey there” sent immediately was doing better than the most creative line sent a few days after

That may seem odd for some of you… but it's normal. If you wait for too long, she’s gone. Gone!

And your message gets lost among the hundreds of other ones…

Sad, isn’t it?

You want to catch her attention while she’s online

Have you ever wondered why Dating apps are working for your friends but not you?

It's hard to know what makes a dating profile attractive, and even harder to know which pictures are good or not.

With our AI-trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot girls and dating experts, we can help you to choose your best pics and stand out. Make your dating profile more attractive in just 2 minutes.

7. Be a good listener

7. Be a good listener

Want more visibility?

ROAST can help you improve your dating profile so you can easily be at the forefront of the dating game.


When it comes to online dating, being a good listener is the key.

A conversation should always flow smoothly and if you are able to get them talking about themselves, then they’ll be more likely to open up even further in person!

Plus, you'll never have to worry about running out of things to say. No more awkward pauses in conversations!

So make sure that you're taking some time to really listen and ask questions. You'll be surprised at how much they'll be attracted by your attentiveness and it will definitely lead to more successful dates.

Small aside. Did you know it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more dates every day?

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot guys and girls, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly which pictures are good or not, and most importantly why.

So, what are you waiting for to take charge of your dating life?

8. Read between the lines

8. Read between the lines

Want more visibility?

ROAST can help you improve your dating profile so you can easily be at the forefront of the dating game.


Tinder messages are a delicate balance of flirtation and conversation, but you can never know when to stop. It's up to the other person to make it clear that they're not interested in more chatting or meeting up. This is often very subtle like an emoji or one-word response that will either keep the conversation going or end it.

If you're getting mixed signals from someone, read between the lines so you don't waste your time!

You could also do with a little confidence boost. When you know your profile is fire, your messages will follow suit. That's why you should let ROAST fix up your profile. They've studied what works on dating apps, so their help will point you in the right direction. Start by taking their short quiz.

Have you ever wondered why Dating apps are working for your friends but not you?

It's hard to know what makes a dating profile attractive, and even harder to know which pictures are good or not.

With our AI-trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot girls and dating experts, we can help you to choose your best pics and stand out. Make your dating profile more attractive in just 2 minutes.

9. Use emojis sparingly, but with caution - no one likes an emoji spammer!

9. Use emojis sparingly, but with caution - no one likes an emoji spammer!


STOP swiping for nothing, get data-driven feedback and a clear action plan to stop being ghosted and get more dates.


Emojis are great for adding emphasis to your text or simply communicating quickly - but if you're not careful, they can make it look like you're an emoji spammer. So when is the right time?

Emojis should only be used sparingly and strategically so that people know what emotion you mean by them.

If someone is feeling angry, you might want to use a frowning emoji so they know that your text is not just an offhand comment. And if someone is happy or excited about something - like their new job! - it's appropriate for them to share the excitement with others by adding in some of those smiling faces.

Have you ever wondered why Dating apps are working for your friends but not you?

It's hard to know what makes a dating profile attractive, and even harder to know which pictures are good or not.

With our AI-trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot girls and dating experts, we can help you to choose your best pics and stand out. Make your dating profile more attractive in just 2 minutes.

10. Keep things lighthearted and fun for everyone involved (especially you!)

10. Keep things lighthearted and fun for everyone involved (especially you!)

No dates?

STOP swiping for nothing, use ROAST to get data-driven feedback and a clear action plan to get more dates.


If you want the best of luck with this new app Tinder that is sweeping the nation right now- make sure your mindset stays positive!

Why? Think in this way: if you are feeling negative feelings like anger or sadness from a text message then it's very likely that they will be interpreted as such and responded accordingly on an emotional level - which means negativity.

It doesn't have to stay so sour though; just follow these steps for staying happy while texting someone through Tinder and never get carried away by those pesky emotions ever again-- having fun and a lighthearted attitude when using apps can really help turn things around!


Get data-driven feedback and clear actions to boost your profile now, get more dates and find the one.


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Did you like this article? If yes I got some news for you!

Imagine knowing the exact steps you need to take in order to get more matches on Tinder. We'll teach you how the algorithm works so that your profile gets seen by as many people as possible. This way, when someone likes your profile they can easily find it again later!

Still not sure? Here are a few tips to help.

You can also have someone take the reins. ROAST has years of expertise in dating app success, and they're ready to apply that knowledge to your profile. They've even got an AI that analyzes how well your picture will do. Don't make another swipe on Tinder until you've gotten advice from ROAST.

Before you leave, how about knowing how you compare to other online dating users?

This profile review will reveal how you rank against other online dating users, offer actionable feedback to enhance your profile, and attract more dates with people you truly connect with.

Get your result in record time with this test developed by our team of dating experts and hot women.


Ben Bailey

Ben is one of the best Dating Experts I've ever met and one of the few that cracked the algorithm of online dating. Every week, Ben is publishing new articles on ROAST, helping 20M+ of people to get more matches, dates, and find the one!

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