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How To Compliment A Girl's Picture?

How to Compliment a Girl Picture in 2025: Full Guide + 20 Examples

Looking for tips on how to compliment a girl picture in a way that will make you stand apart from the competition? Read on to find out how to compliment a girl’s picture.

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Updated January 1, 2025

How To Compliment A Girl's Picture?

  • Master the art of complimenting a girl's picture with our comprehensive guide and 20 vivid examples.
  • Learn to stand out by crafting compliments that are charming, thoughtful, and genuine.
  • Want to make your compliments even more memorable? Use our Next Line generator for unique, personalized compliments that capture attention.

It’s no secret that girls love compliments, especially when it comes to their profile pictures and flirting on dating apps like Tinder and Hinge. Girls put a lot of time and effort into choosing their pictures for their social media profiles and dating app profiles, which is why it’s important to let them know you’ve taken notice.

Complimenting a girl the right way can get you brownie points and show her you're paying attention. From telling her she has a beautiful smile to telling her she's a gorgeous girl, we have the best compliments that will get you closer to landing a first date with a girl you like.

These are the top effective ways to compliment a girl's photo to get you closer to meeting the beautiful woman of your dreams.

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Table of Contents

Here is the outline of the article, feel free to jump to the section that interests you the most.

  1. Why You Should Compliment a Girl’s Picture
  2. Send Her a Flirty Compliment
  3. Don’t Make Things All About Looks
  4. Pay Attention to the Details
  5. Always Be Genuine
Why You Should Compliment a Girl’s Picture

Why You Should Compliment a Girl’s Picture

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Most dating experts will agree that sending a girl a compliment about her picture is a great way to break the ice and show your interest while making them feel good about themselves. Make your crush feel special by complimenting something about her picture.

This shows that you took the time to look through all of her dating profile pictures, and noticed something about one of them. She’ll appreciate your effort, and will also feel special—which is exactly what you want if you’re interested in landing a date with her.

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Send Her a Flirty Compliment

Send Her a Flirty Compliment

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Start things off by sending her a flirty compliment that shows her you’re paying attention and are definitely interested in her. Girls love getting a flirty text message that’s playful and shows off your fun and lighthearted side. Plus, you can be sure she’ll be blushing and smiling over your text if you compliment her the right way.

Here are a few examples to use in your text:

  1. I can't lie, you're a dazzling and impressive queen in that photo.

  2. That photo really catches your natural beauty, you really are such a raving angel.

  3. There’s just one word for this picture— flawless, you're my dream girl.

  4. You look incredibly gorgeous in that picture—seriously, I can’t take my eyes off of you.

  5. I can’t decide what shines more, your gorgeous smile or your hair. I think I'd have to say your smile shines brighter.

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Don’t Make Things All About Looks

Don’t Make Things All About Looks

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While girls love getting complimented, if you make things all about looks, she’ll start to think you’re only interested in her because of what she looks like. If she thinks you’re shallow, you won’t have an easy time keeping the conversation flowing and convincing her to go on a date with you. 

While she may be a beautiful girl, let her know there's more to it than that. Instead, compliment her in the photo while also mentioning something else that’s not related to her looks. You can talk about what she’s doing in the photo or where she is to add substance to the conversation and keep her interested.

Here are a few examples to use when talking to a girl:

  1. You look gorgeous, and you always manage to find the coolest spots!

  2. I see you like to play [insert sport here]. You look like a pro! How long have you been playing?

  3. You always have such good style. I really like that outfit in your picture.

  4. Your pet is adorable. What are they like? I’d love to meet them.

  5. I've heard about seven wonders of the world and the 8th just showed up. That's such a beautiful picture.

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Pay Attention to the Details

Pay Attention to the Details

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Show her that you’re paying attention to the details and that she’s not just one of many girls you’re talking to right now. Complimenting a girl’s picture while pointing out specific details are the perfect way to send the message that you’re genuinely interested and taking the time to look at her profile.

Point out something you like about her outfit, her makeup, someone else in the photo, or where the photo is being taken. Compliments for a girl's self-esteem will get her feeling confident, happy, and excited about you.

Here are a few ways you can point out details while complimenting her picture.

  1. That background is gorgeous, just like your natural beauty. Where was that photo taken?

  2. I love your red dress in that photo, it looks amazing on you, just like your cute smile.

  3. Is that your family in the picture? They look like a fun group of people!

  4. Your [insert eye color here] eyes look stunning in that picture, along with your natural beauty and cute smil.

  5. Wow, you really look athletic in that picture. How long have you been [insert passion/hobby here]?

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Always Be Genuine

Always Be Genuine

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Sending out a compliment just to get a girl to like you more may sound like a good idea, but cutting corners will only leave you doing more harm than good. A girl can tell if you’re sending her a basic compliment just for the sake of it, and she’ll be able to tell the difference when you’re being genuine.

Find something about one of her pictures that you’re genuinely attracted to or like, and say it in an honest way. Don't overdo it, if you compliment her pictures regularly, she may start to question your motives.

Your crush will appreciate you being honest and not sending a boring, disingenuous compliment that doesn’t come from the heart.

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When it comes to the best compliments to send a beautiful girl, you'll want to mention her beautiful smile, along with something else about her. Let her know she's divinely gorgeous, but that she also gives off positive vibes in her pictures and has more to her than just her looks. This will flatter her and get her feeling more attracted to you over time.

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Ben Bailey

Ben is one of the best Dating Experts I've ever met and one of the few that cracked the algorithm of online dating. Every week, Ben is publishing new articles on ROAST, helping 20M+ of people to get more matches, dates, and find the one!

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