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How to reset your likes on Bumble?

When Do Bumble Likes Reset, Exactly? (Clearly Explained)

Bumble swipes reset on a weird schedule, but you need to have it figured out if you want to use the app effectively. Figure out how the app works not only so you can swipe more, but match more.

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Updated January 1, 2025

How to reset your likes on Bumble?

  • Bumble likes reset provides a new chance to connect by refreshing your likes.
  • Understanding the reset timing can significantly enhance your swiping strategy.
  • Looking to refresh your Bumble prospects? Share your profile now for a review. Our experts will provide custom tips to boost your visibility and match rate.

Find out when Bumble resets so you can make the most of the app and get more matches. If you've just hit the daily swipe limit and you want to know how soon before you can swipe again, this guide is for you.

Of course, you can always go with Bumble Boost or a Bumble Premium subscription to get unlimited swipes and the ability to keep matches longer -- but a paid Bumble account doesn't guarantee more matches and dates.

For more matches and dates, you need to know how dating apps work, and use them accordingly.

All of the knowledge you need can be found at ROAST. ROAST are pros at dating apps; they've discovered what gets more likes and what boosts your visibility with the algorithm. They'll give you personalized advice on your profile, helping you get more matches than a paid subscription ever will. Try ROAST today.

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Table of Contents

Here is the outline of the article, feel free to jump to the section that interests you the most.

  1. When Do Bumble Likes Reset?
  2. How Many Likes Do You Get For Free on Bumble?
  3. Making the Most of Your Free Swipes on Bumble
  4. Enhance Your Profile on Bumble
When Do Bumble Likes Reset?

When Do Bumble Likes Reset?

How good is your profile?

STOP swiping for nothing, get data-driven feedback and a clear action plan to get more dates.


Bumble has a daily swipe limit of 25, and it resets 24 hours after the right swipe was made. If you were too eager and you hit the Bumble swipe limit, you might have to wait awhile before you can get back to meeting the person of your dreams!

Also, you should know that the Bumble dating app restores likes on a schedule. Some people just can't figure out how many swipes you actually get. The truth is, every right swipe is individually restored 24 hours after the fact. If you use half of your swipes at 1pm and the other half at 8pm, you'll get half of your likes restored at 1pm the next day and the other half restored at 8pm.

It's good to be aware that Bumble doesn't always restore you to the full 25, based on how you've used it. But you can always wait 24 hours after your very last swipe and you'll be back to 25 at that point.

Also, with Bumble, a like sticks around until the other person matches you or one week passes. Sometimes people never respond to your like with a swipe, so the like disappears. There is no more possibility to match with that person.

Sometimes you're still matched with some people and you want those matches gone. You can "reset" your account by clearing out matches that you don't talk to anymore. Unmatching is common, and you shouldn't think too long about it. If the spark didn't happen yet, it probably won't happen.

Make the spark happen with ROAST. ROAST will take a look at your profile and let you know exactly what you need to fix to get more success. They've been studying how these apps work for years, and they'll set you on the right course. Try ROAST today.

Small aside. Did you know it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more dates every day?

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot guys and girls, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly which pictures are good or not, and most importantly why.

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How Many Likes Do You Get For Free on Bumble?

How Many Likes Do You Get For Free on Bumble?

Ready to boost your online dating knowledge?

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Bumble gives you 25 free likes a day. These reset with some delay, based on when you swiped right. If you used your 25 swipes around 9pm, you won't have any the next day until 10pm. It can be a little confusing to wrap your head around.

You've got the option of bypassing the Bumble swipe limit by signing up for Bumble Boost -- but you shouldn't just pay your way out of every obstacle. That's something that will actually make you undateable.

More importantly, paying doesn't help you get more likes or matches. In a sense, people have similar preferences and expectations, so you won't get more matches just by throwing more darts at the board randomly. You'll have to learn how the app actually works. That starts with learning how the team at Bumble limit swipes.

Make your profile great and message effectively -- that, and only that, is what helps you get more likes and matches. It's not just about writing a little text that you think sounds good, though; there's a specifc way it needs to look. ROAST can help you out with that. They know how to make Bumble like you so it boosts your visibility. Get help from ROAST today.

Have you ever wondered why the algorithm is working for your friends but not you?

It's hard to know what makes a dating profile attractive, and even harder to know which pictures are good or not.

With our AI-trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot girls and dating experts, we can help you to choose your best pics and stand out. Make your dating profile more attractive in just 2 minutes.

Making the Most of Your Free Swipes on Bumble

Making the Most of Your Free Swipes on Bumble

Ready to boost your online dating knowledge?

STOP swiping for nothing, use ROAST to get data-driven feedback and a clear action plan to become an expert.


If you know how to use Bumble, you don't have to sweat the Bumble swipe limit. This is true for all online dating: if you do it right, you'll be spending more time worrying about who to message, not how to message.

Forget Bumble Boost and the Bumble swipe limit. When you get your Bumble account set up in the right way, you'll be well on your way to more likes and matches.

That's partly because the Bumble algorithm analyzes your profile and, if it's good, increases your visibility.

It also tracks your Bumble swipes -- how selective vs. desperate you are -- and your interactions with other people on the app. Give likes sparingly and take the time to have a positive conversation with your matches, and the Bumble algorithm will reward you.

So you see, the number of free likes on Bumble or any other dating app is a non-issue. It's all about trying to impress someone and give them a positive experience. That's the real substance of your time on the Bumble app.

You may know how to impress someone on a date in real life, but a dating app is different. You need to please the algorithm, too. ROAST can let you know exactly how to do that. They have an AI that analyzes your profile pictures and judges how well they're going to perform. Don't get back on Bumble until you've had ROAST give you some advice.

Have you ever wondered why the algorithm is working for your friends but not you?

It's hard to know what makes a dating profile attractive, and even harder to know which pictures are good or not.

With our AI-trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot girls and dating experts, we can help you to choose your best pics and stand out. Make your dating profile more attractive in just 2 minutes.

Enhance Your Profile on Bumble

Enhance Your Profile on Bumble


STOP getting lost in endless swiping with no clear direction. Get data-driven feedback and a clear action plan to get more dates.


Your time spent worrying about the swipe limit on Bumble ends here. Here's how you can beef up your profile so that it gets more likes on Bumble.

First of all, the pictures. Probably the most important part of the profile, so they must be handled with care. Never have just one picture -- include as many as 6 or 7, all of them of you. Make sure you're giving a friendly smile in most or all of them. Keep group photos to a minimum, and hide the faces of the other people if you decide to include one.

Also, try to put some thought and care into your bio text. A typo on your Bumble account is almost certain to get a left swipe, and the same goes for cliche lines that you found on Google. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece, but it should have some effort put into it.

The Bumble algorithm will analyze your profile and bump you up if it's good. Your Bumble profile will then get seen by far more people -- people who actually reply! This is true for other dating apps. You have to gain some "experience" on them before they truly unlock. For awhile, you're stuck with all the people who install the Bumble app and never respond.

Find out how to get people to respond more often with help from ROAST. They'll help fix up your profile and profile pictures so that people will want to respond more often. They know better than anyone else what works and what doesn't. Talk to ROAST today.


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Don't delete your Bumble account just yet. Be persistent and try to get some matches, and try to have a good conversation. Now the real online dating has begun. Once you start having some genuine fun on the app, Bumble swipes will be the least of your worries. People will be lining up to match with your Bumble profile.

If you want more personalized advice in this vein, consider enlisting the help of ROAST. ROAST has studied dating apps and figured out what works and what doesn't. They'll beef up your Bumble profile based on your strengths, improving your visibility on the app. You won't have to worry about running out of Bumble swipes anymore! They'll finally be backed by a strong profile. Start with ROAST by taking their quiz today.

Before you leave, how about knowing how strong your dating profile is?

This profile review will finally allow you to know how to make your profile more attractive, and get more dates with people you really like.

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Ben Bailey

Ben is one of the best Dating Experts I've ever met and one of the few that cracked the algorithm of online dating. Every week, Ben is publishing new articles on ROAST, helping 20M+ of people to get more matches, dates, and find the one!

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