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First Bumble Date, quick tips

Full Guide on How To Plan the Perfect First Date with Bumble Matches

With the right tips, you can make your first date memorable. Find the best first date ideas for Bumble, conversation starters, and common mistakes to avoid.

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Published August 16, 2023 -Updated March 4, 2024

First Bumble Date, quick tips

  • Make your first Bumble date in 2024 unforgettable with impactful tips.
  • From conversation starters to planning, ensure your date buzzes with excitement.
  • Ace your Bumble profile and make your first impression count with expert advice, enhancing your chances for follow-up dates.

You've given all the funny Bumble prompt answers, and you have gotten a match, but now that you are faced with an actual first date, you are getting a bit nervous.

This experience is absolutely normal for most people because there are so many things to think about when planning a date that you want to be totally flawless.

If you use the right approach, you and your match can enjoy a beautiful experience right from your first outing. Read this article to learn some professional tips on how to plan and carry out the perfect first date.

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Table of Contents

Here is the outline of the article, feel free to jump to the section that interests you the most.

  1. Tips for Choosing the Perfect First Date Idea
  2. Conversation Starters and Icebreakers
  3. Do's and Don'ts for a Successful First Date
  4. Follow-Up and Next Steps
  5. Success Stories and Tips From Bumble Users
Tips for Choosing the Perfect First Date Idea

Tips for Choosing the Perfect First Date Idea


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One mistake a lot of people make is to overthink the entire thing and mess it up totally, but if you relax and follow these basic steps, you can have a good time.

Think About Your Interests and Hobbies

On your first outing, you need to be as comfortable as ever, so pick an activity that involves something you are interested in.

Being able to express yourself as you want to is very important for your first date, and for this to happen, you must do something that doesn’t make you uneasy.

Also, consider your partner when you are thinking of the perfect first date Bumble ideas. You don’t want to choose an event or location that makes them nervous, so beyond just your interests, consider theirs too.

Explore Unique and Creative Ideas

If you search for first date ideas online, you will find many generic options. Even though you want first date ideas that aren’t awkward, you still need to throw some originality in the mix.

Base the date on something they have mentioned on Bumble or make it centre on something that you both have in common to make it more interesting.

Picking a basic date activity can make the outing feel stale. Try an art class, a ghost tour, a live music concert, going rock climbing, or anything that is fun, excites both of you, and lets you get to know each other better.

Keep it Low-Key and Casual

Planning extravagant outings is one of the signs that you are overthinking it. The best first date ideas for Bumble are usually simple but engaging.

You have to think of a setting where you and your date can discuss and have fun without any pressure on either of you.

If there are too many activities, you might end up spending time with the person but fail to get to know them. Keep it simple but ensure it's engaging so no one gets bored.

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Conversation Starters and Icebreakers

Conversation Starters and Icebreakers

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Talking with someone you haven't met in person before will be awkward for anyone. You can use any of these conversation starters to keep the dialogue flowing anytime you need it.

Ask About Their Bumble Experience

This is the ultimate perfect first date Bumble question to ask your date. It’s a generic date prompt, but since it's an experience both of you have shared, you can relate to their stories and contribute your own part when it's your turn. If you are lucky, it can introduce some humor into the conversation organically.

How your date describes their experience with other people on the app will tell you quite a bit about them and what they are looking for in a relationship.

You can also use this question to let them what exactly you are looking for from a match on Bumble.

Discuss Shared Interests and Hobbies

If your date will lead to anything interesting, you and your match must have some shared interests, personality traits, or hobbies.

When you find something you both love, engage them on the topic since it is an entertaining activity for both of you.

You can predict some of your partner's interests through their Bumble prompt responses.

People who spend all the time talking about their interests on their first date will keep the interaction one-sided and probably not get a future date.

If they are not the type to start talking, you can ask open-ended questions to engage them. Also, when you get asked questions, don't just give generic first date bumble answers or yes/no responses, instead try to give engaging answers.

Discuss Friends, Family, Jobs, and Plans

On your first date, you want to know as much about them as you need to and also share as much as you need to so you both know whether you are interested in taking things forward or not.

The more a person knows about you, the more comfortable they will be around you.

Try not to get too personal with your questions, and look out for instances where your date is uncomfortable with answering questions on some issues. It's just the first date. You don't need to know every minute detail about them yet.

This part of the conversation is where people often realize whether or not they actually want to continue trying to build something with their date.

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Do's and Don'ts for a Successful First Date

Do's and Don'ts for a Successful First Date


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Some simple mistakes can turn the perfect first date Bumble experience into a nightmare; these are some perfect first date Bumble do's and don'ts to have in your pocket on that day.

Do: Be Yourself and Authentic

You must have seen some perfect first date funny answers online for generic questions. While it's cool to be witty and keep the dialogue light, you must also be honest with your responses on your first date. Also, try to be confident and maintain eye contact as you communicate.

If they are a good match for you, they will hang around regardless of your situation. The entire point of the first date is to know whether both of you like each other for what you actually are.

Don’t: Talk About Exes or Controversial Topics

Your first meeting with the right person is not the place to discuss topics that make them uneasy. The least you can do to make sure the both of you feel comfortable is to avoid obviously controversial topics like your experience with past lovers or politics.

If it ever comes up, divert the conversation to another topic before things get heated or awkward.

Do: Show Interest and Listen

Try not to be in a hurry to always give the perfect first date answer, instead focus on hearing your partner speak. If you keep talking on end, you might have a great time, but what was a perfect first date for you would have been a total bore for your date.

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Follow-Up and Next Steps

Follow-Up and Next Steps

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All the effort you put into the perfect date could be wasted if you do not make the right move after the meetup.

Send a Thoughtful Message

If you had a perfect first date, you need to ensure you get another one by following up with a nice message. Typically, you want to let them know that you had a beautiful time with them, throw in some compliments, and ask how it was for them too.

After sending this message, there is no need to rush for an answer; it will only make you look desperate. If you give them a dream date, they will answer when they are ready, and you can continue the discussion from there.

Plan a Second Date

After a perfect date, everyone wants another one, and you can get it if you ask appropriately. If, from your interactions with them after the meetup, they show they had a great time, you can suggest another one.

Since you are the one asking for the date, suggest the time and place again. This time you can throw in some more creativity into your suggestions to make the experience more memorable than the first one.

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Success Stories and Tips From Bumble Users

Success Stories and Tips From Bumble Users

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You are not the only one who wrote an excellent Bumble prompt and got a good match but got worried about setting up a great first date. Check out these perfect first date Bumble tips from other users like you.

User 1: Unique First Date Idea

This Bumble user said she prefers "hikes and bike riders" for first dates and can have dinner dates for subsequent dates. She also mentioned that just going for something simple like coffee is cool, but it usually turns out to be like an interview.

User 2: Engaging Conversation Starters

A Bumble user shared that he just wants people to open conversations with statements that show they went through his profile to learn a bit about him. He also mentioned that opening with a question helps to keep the conversation once the question is not a basic yes/no question.

Sneaking questions that are deal breakers for you into nicely crafted open-ended questions works like a charm with Bumble users.

User 3: Follow-Up and Building Connection

This experienced Bumble user advised another user who had the best date with a guy she met on Bumble, but he did not text back.

She said if the date was fun, she followed with a simple text thanking the person for coming around for dinner or whatever the activity was, letting them know that she had a good time, and adding a question asking if they would like to do it again.


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A first date is not something that you have to be nervous about once you have the right cards in your pocket. Find an activity that will be fun and engaging for both of you and still allow you to talk and get to know each other.

Ultimately, you will not need any first date tips if no one swipes right on your profile. Work on your profile and set up some funny Bumble prompt answers that make you appear interesting to potential matches. Bumble is a great place to find the right match, but you must put in some work to set up your profile and find your match.

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Ben Bailey

Ben is one of the best Dating Experts I've ever met and one of the few that cracked the algorithm of online dating. Every week, Ben is publishing new articles on ROAST, helping 20M+ of people to get more matches, dates, and find the one!

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