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Funny Tinder Pickup Lines

Funny Tinder Pickup Lines That Work In 2024

Ensure to put more effort into creating an interesting conversation based on the funny pick-up line you choose.

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Published July 4, 2022 -Updated March 4, 2024

Funny Tinder Pickup Lines

  • Win hearts and unlock matches in 2024 with over 100 funny Tinder pickup lines that spark laughter and attraction.
  • Humor is a powerful tool in breaking the ice and connecting with potential matches.
  • Struggling with what to say next? Start now with Nextline for personalized, effective icebreakers crafted by our AI and Dating Coaches.

Tinder is an effective platform for finding dates if you're too occupied to meet someone in person or don't have the skills to cold-approach. After a match, the next goal is to create an exciting conversation that encourages the other person to set up a face-to-face date.

However, you don't want to be behind a ringer conversation with something bland like a "Hello there", but something stimulating, like a joke. For this reason, this article presents 2024's most humorous Tinder Pickup line that works.

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  1. The efficient list of pickup lines
The efficient list of pickup lines

The efficient list of pickup lines

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1. Charming Movie Puns

Like music, movies are so common today that referencing one in a joke is bound to get you a good reaction. Therefore, we recommend opening with a pun regarding popular movies from the Marvel, DC, or Star Wars universe. For example:

  • "Your profile stole my heart like the rebels stole the Death Star plans."

Keep in mind that movie puns are high risk, high reward funny Tinder pick up lines, and should only be used when there's reason to believe she's a movie person.

2. Use their Pet

Most people upload pictures of themselves and their pets to look more approachable and charming. You can use this opportunity to make them grin from ear to ear by making a non-offensive joke with their pet. For example:

  • "Ouch, you already have a pet! Does this mean I won't win the" best cuddler ever" award?"

Pet owners love their animals and any positive humor about them is guaranteed to make you look good.

3. Try a Dad Joke

Some of the best Tinder pickup lines are written by dads. Dad jokes are popular for having obvious punchlines that still force a burst of laughter despite being predictable. You can leverage this gem and drop a much-deserved smile on the reader's lips and gain momentum for your conversation. For example:

  • "Do you play soccer? Because you look like a keeper"

It's easy to become cringy with any jokes, especially dad jokes, so make sure it's perfect before sending.

4. Straightforward but Intriguing

Most jokes require you to be crazy witty for excellent delivery; however, this might be problematic if you're not in the mood. For this reason, you can try a straightforward Tinder pickup line with a hint of humor. For example:

  • "You must have a high test score. Because I want to take you home and show you to my mother".

You don't need to be overly charismatic with a pick up line as you talk to strangers online; be yourself and add a drop of humor to your sentence.

5. Dirty but Clever

Dirty jokes as Tinder Pickup lines run the risk of being offensive but have the potential to give your conversation positive sexual energy if executed correctly. Also, you can boost the efficacy by making it sexual and clever, instead of blatant naughtiness. For example:

  • "Are you from the Himalayas? Because I want to see your Nepals"

This Tinder pick up line is more effective if the girl is extroverted and adventurous: therefore, check her bio and pictures to see if you're saying to drop the bomb. Sexual tinder pickup lines can work, but you better be sure the other person is going to want to respond after you hit send.

6. Tell her a Recent Funny Moment

Sometimes, your match may be bored or not be in the mood to flirt right off the bat, but text casually. In this case, you can start with something genuinely funny that happened recently, for example:

  • "I tried playing soccer yesterday with my friends, and after playing for 20 minutes, I kicked the ball into the net… my team's net".

It's an excellent way to begin the conversation lightheartedly while being funny, charismatic, and exciting. Try it!

7. Sneak her Name Into a Song

If her name for name fits perfectly into any popular song, consider trying it out. Thousands of videos on YouTube show that this type of message floods people with positive emotions once they realize the joke. For example:

  • "She is thicker than a snicker, with an ass worth Emily-ion bucks these taken men keep matching but she doesn't give no fucks - Drake rapping bout you." (if she's named Emily)

It's a low-risk, high reward funny Tinder pick up line that's guaranteed to start the conversation at the perfect pace. However, make sure it's a popular song; else, they won't get the joke.

8. Ask for a Line

There's nothing overly special about this one since you're asking her for a Tinder pick up line. The charm with this good psychology pickup line is the shock value. Essentially, people don't expect to give recommendations on how to break the ice. For example

  • "So, do you have any killer pickup line on Tinder?"

Remember to keep the follow-up text interesting, witty, and energetic, and they might just ask you out on a first date, which is what we want.

9. Ask for a Joke

This is a slight variation of the previous option, but this time, you're specifically asking for a Joke. Essentially, this line employs the shock factor, puts the match on the spot to impress you, and makes them more invested. For example:

  • "Hit me with your Best pun or joke haha"

This is basically like asking her to pick you up, but this time, she's trying to make you laugh. It's excellent for creating a solid connection right off the bat.

10. Try a Flirty knock-knock Joke

Telling your stunning match a knock-knock Tinder pick up line may seem silly, but it works! As long as you make it flirty, direct, and intelligent, you're guaranteed a positive reaction. Just don't make it too sexual of a pickup line if that's not what you're aiming for. For example:

  • "Knock, knock. Who’s there? Water. Water who? Water you doing later this weekend?"

Keeping this cheesy Tinder pick up line light, flirty, and intelligent might pack enough punch to ignite a date and save you from just another boring Monday.

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Deciding to talk to strangers online via Tinder may be tricky, but breaking the ice with a funny and good pickup line can help. However, this element doesn't guarantee success since you need to maintain your wittiness and energy throughout the conversation. Therefore, ensure to put more effort into creating an interesting conversation based on the funny pick up line you choose.

If you still need more inspiration, check out the best Hinge pickup lines and try using one of those. Good luck!

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Ben Bailey

Ben is one of the best Dating Experts I've ever met and one of the few that cracked the algorithm of online dating. Every week, Ben is publishing new articles on ROAST, helping 20M+ of people to get more matches, dates, and find the one!

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