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How to Slide into Instagram DMs Successfully?

The Ultimate Guide on How To Slide Into Instagram DMs

Need advice to reply to their stories on Instagram, DM a funny video? Find out more cool ideas to slide into DMs and meet your perfect match.

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Updated January 1, 2025

How to Slide into Instagram DMs Successfully?

  • Sliding into DMs on Instagram requires a balance of confidence, respect, and creativity for successful flirting.
  • Craft your messages to make a memorable first impression and spark engaging conversations.
  • Perfect your DM sliding game. Start now with NextLine for personalized openers and follow-up messages that ensure respect and impact.

The modern world of online dating is constantly evolving and changing, and it can be hard to know what the best way is to make that first move on a dating app.

Although dating apps are a popular way for most people to find a potential partner, Instagram has recently grown in popularity becoming an easy way for people to connect and meet their perfect partner. The best way to start a conversation with your match is to send a direct message and slide into dms. Direct messaging can lead to making friendships, romantic relationships, or finding new connections.

This is the ultimate guide on how to slide into someone’s Instagram direct messages and land yourself a date.

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Table of Contents

Here is the outline of the article, feel free to jump to the section that interests you the most.

  1. Ask them about one of their latest posts
  2. If you’re new to the city, ask them for tips
  3. Respond to one of their stories
  4. DM them a funny video or post
  5. Send them a post that reminded you of them
  6. Bring up a mutual friend from Instagram
  7. Compliment them
  8. Be confident and forward
Ask them about one of their latest posts

Ask them about one of their latest posts

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Try asking your crush about a recent post they made on their Instagram profile. If they traveled somewhere, ask them how their trip was. If they went out for a birthday event, ask them about it. This is an easy way you can start a casual conversation, while also letting them know that you’re genuinely interested in getting to know them better.

Use an open-ended question that will get the conversation rolling rather than asking a yes or no question that might lead to a dead end.

If you’re trying this approach, here are a few examples you can use when sliding into a girl's dms:

  • I saw you just went to [insert name of place here], and I’m thinking of going soon! Any recommendations?
  • I’ve always wanted to try [insert name of restaurant here]. What was your favorite dish?
  • I see you've posted new hiking pictures. Do you have a favorite hiking spot?

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If you’re new to the city, ask them for tips

If you’re new to the city, ask them for tips

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If you’ve recently moved and are new to the city, it can be the perfect opportunity to ask your crush for tips. This is an easy approach where you can ask about the best coffee shops, restaurants, and malls in town. It can also be a great segway into coming up with a potential date idea in real life for the two like asking them if they want to grab coffee.

You can ask your crush to be your tour guide and help you out in finding the best local gems in town. Here’s how you can ask your crush for tips:

  • I’ve just moved to [insert city name here] and have been searching for the best coffee shops in town. Any recommendations?
  • You always seem to be at the best restaurants in town! What’s your favorite spot?

The Perfect Icebreaker Is Just a Click Away

Found your perfect match and don't want to mess it up? Let us analyze their profile and craft the perfect icebreaker to ensure an engaging conversation!

Respond to one of their stories

Respond to one of their stories

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This is one of the easiest ways to slide into someone’s dms and start a conversation. If they’ve posted a story recently, reply to their story to engage them in a conversation. Your reply will end up in their DMs. Whether they post a song or a photo at a spot in town – comment on it and ask them a question or two about it so they can answer questions and get chatting with you.

The next time you slide into dms, use these examples to spark up an interesting conversation over Instagram stories:

  • I love this song too! What else are you listening to right now? Want to swap playlists?
  • This place looks amazing! Where is it? You always find the best places in town, any tips?

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DM them a funny video or post

DM them a funny video or post

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A sense of humor is one of the best qualities a potential partner can have, so you can’t go wrong with sending a funny meme, video or post you came across on Instagram. This will show your crush you have a great sense of humor and don’t take yourself too seriously. Your crush can comment on what you sent them, and may even start sending you a few jokes and posts back.

This is an easy way to start a conversation that can eventually lead to a date.

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Send them a post that reminded you of them

Send them a post that reminded you of them

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Sending your crush a post that reminded you of them is a brilliant move. It shows them that you’re thinking about them throughout the day, which will definitely make them blush.

It's also the perfect excuse to show your interest without being super forward. Everyone loves to be thought of, and if things go well your message will get some laughs and open the door to an engaging conversation.

Here are some examples you can use:

  • This reminds me of you so much!
  • I know you really love [thing, place, etc.], so I thought you should know about this.
  • I just saw this and it made me think of you.

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Bring up a mutual friend from Instagram

Bring up a mutual friend from Instagram

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If you have any mutual friends between you and your crush, you can use this as a simple conversation starter and icebreaker. Think of people who you went to the same school with or worked with in the past. You can drop the name of your friends, or ask whether they’ve seen them recently, or even how they know them.

By knowing you have the same social circles, your crush may feel more comfortable starting a conversation with you if they feel you’re familiar and know a few of the same people.

You can even ask your mutual friend about your crush before starting the conversation. Here are some great examples to try when you slide into dms:

  • [Friend name] told me you [something funny/memory] and I really want to set the record straight! Is this true?!
  • I see you know [friend name] too! Have you seen them recently? [Insert how you’ve interacted with said friend recently].

The Perfect Icebreaker Is Just a Click Away

Found your perfect match and don't want to mess it up? Let us analyze their profile and craft the perfect icebreaker to ensure an engaging conversation!

Compliment them

Compliment them

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Everyone loves getting a compliment or two, and it’s always tough resisting a flattering conversation. Be witty and playful with your compliment, rather than saying “you’re hot” or “you’re drop-dead gorgeous” like other guys.

Instead of complimenting their profile picture, comment on her pics recently to show you have good energy and aren't interested in just double tapping her photos. People want to be complimented on more than just their appearance when you slide into dms, and chances are – they’ve definitely had a smiliar dm slide before.

Be confident and flirty, but don’t be overly flirtatious since this is your first message to them.

Here are some compliments you can try out when you slide into dms on Instagram:

  • I just wanted to say I am obsessed with your new hair – it looks great!
  • You look amazing in all of your photos, tell me your secret.
  • You always find the coolest places to check out in town! What’s your secret?

Struggling to craft the perfect answer?

Stuck on what to say next? Let ROAST experts take the lead! Next Line has analyzed thousands of successful conversations. In just a second, get irresistible answers to keep the conversation flowing.

Be confident and forward

Be confident and forward

Tired of being ghosted?

Let us take care of it! Next Line will craft engaging responses for you in a second!


The best way to slide into dms is to be confident and sure of yourself. Make a good first impression by showing you're not afraid to shoot your shot and message your crush. If your crush has been liking your photos or watching your stories, send a clever message about it to start a light-hearted conversation.

Here are a few examples you can use when you slide into dms on Instagram:

  • I see you've been double tapping all my pics lately. Care to comment?
  • Is it cool to do a dm slide on who watches all of your stories? Asking for a friend.

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Sending the first DMs on Instagram doesn’t have to be daunting and nerve-wracking. You can get the ball rolling by using one of these easy conversation starters to show your interest and that you’re not afraid to take the first step. The worst thing that can happen is that they don’t respond, in which case you can cut your losses and move on to new and brighter prospects.

With these Instagram DM conversation starters, you’ll be chatting with your Instagram crush in no time.

Before you leave, make sure you stand out more in the dating scene!
Put your best foot forward. Click to create the perfect icebreaker that will put you at the forefront of the dating scene. Get ready for 10x more dates!


Ben Bailey

Ben is one of the best Dating Experts I've ever met and one of the few that cracked the algorithm of online dating. Every week, Ben is publishing new articles on ROAST, helping 20M+ of people to get more matches, dates, and find the one!

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