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POF Statistics: Unveiling the Data

POF Statistics in 2025: All you need to know about the app

Step into Plenty of Fish's world, where love sails on data. Uncover the intriguing statistics behind successful matches and peak activity hours. Whether a POF user or a data enthusiast, this piece offers a fascinating voyage into the sea of digital romance

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Updated January 1, 2025

POF Statistics: Unveiling the Data

  • POF's 2024 statistics showcase the ins and outs of success stories and unique features.
  • Get the secret to a perfect POF profile and boost your matches.
  • Start enhancing your POF profile.

Plenty of Fish is special for being one of the most no-nonsense dating apps you can find. They start as a dating site all the way back in 2003, where all you had was a profile picture, some information, and the ability to message.

They've retained that simplicity into the modern age of dating apps and mobile devices. Tinder can be too complicated for some users; Plenty of Fish mimics the real way that people communicate by allowing a few messages before getting matched. It's so much simpler this way as you can make an impression with your words and actions, rather than some artificial profile!

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Table of Contents

Here is the outline of the article, feel free to jump to the section that interests you the most.

  1. Impact in Figures: A Comprehensive Snapshot
  2. Plenty of fish users: How Many People Use Plenty of fish?
  3. Plenty of fish revenue: how many people pay for Plenty of fish?
  4. Plenty of fish demographics: who uses Plenty of fish?
  5. Plenty of fish statistics male vs female
  6. FAQ
  7. References
Impact in Figures: A Comprehensive Snapshot

Impact in Figures: A Comprehensive Snapshot


STOP getting lost in endless swiping with no clear direction. Get data-driven feedback and a clear action plan to get more dates.


POF statistics by number

  1. POF currently has 170 million users (Statista)
  2. 500 thousands users pay for a subscription (Similar web)
  3. The number of users in the U.S. has exceeded 90 million (
  4. POF has been downloaded more than 200 million times since its creation (Statista)
  5. POF is the third most downloaded dating app in the world (Statista)
  6. More than 200 millions swipes are made on POF every day (Similar web)
  7. More than 2 billion matches have been made since the launch of POF (Statista)
  8. POF is available in over 123 countries (

POF statistics by match rate

  1. Men get on average 1 match out of 40 likes (

  2. 52 % of men have less than one match a day (

  3. 13 % of men have less than one match a week (

  4. Men like on average 1 out of 3 profiles (

  5. Women get on average 1 match out of 2 likes (

  6. Women like on average 1 out of 16 profiles (

POF statistics by users

  1. 75 % of POF users are male (

  2. The average age of people on POF is 28 years old (

  3. 38 % of POF users are 25-34 (

  4. 7 % are 55-64 (

  5. 12 % of POF users have a post graduate degree (

  6. POF users spend about 32 minutes day on the app (Similar web)

  7. 3 million are daily users (Statista)

  8. 4 million are monthly users (Similar web)

  9. 62 % of users are looking for a relationship (Statista)

POF statistics by profits

  1. POF's revenue for the first quarter of 2024 was $18 million (Statista)
  2. POF’s revenue are expected to exceed $90 million by 2024 (Similar web)
  3. Paying users pay an average of 24 dollars per year (Similar web)
  4. 50% of POF's revenue come from the US (Similar web)
  5. The Canada is the second most profitable markets for the app, behind the US (
  6. The growth of the POF app downloads is about 3 % a year (

Did you know that most of our users were unaware of the exponential increase of dates by improving their profiles?

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Plenty of fish users: How Many People Use Plenty of fish?

Plenty of fish users: How Many People Use Plenty of fish?

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Number of Plenty of fish users from 2018 to 2024

There were 150 million total Plenty of Fish users in 2024. That means there are 150 million other people looking for the same sort of experience as you! This is a huge figure, especially compared to the 75 million users of Tinder, or the 50 million users of Bumble. Plenty of Fish offers a method of casual dating that gives you a bit more freedom and more of a laid-back atmosphere than Tinder.

The POF app launched in 2010 and it garners a ton of users each month. As you can see, that number has only grown, making Plenty of Fish quite a popular dating app.

Plenty of fish active users

Number of daily users on Plenty of fish in 2024

How many POF users are there on the app? Is it enough to make this dating service worthwhile? Plenty of Fish garners about 3 million users daily. That's 3 million other people looking for the same thing as you. Plenty of Fish has sure come a long way from their dating site roots.

pof monthly user in 2024

The number of monthly active users on the POF app is 4 million POF users. Of course, you're never going to meet 4 million people in your whole life, and all you need is a spark with one person in order for the app to have been totally worth it. All this number means is that you're sure to find someone to talk to! Despite all this, if you want to catch the attention of more potential matches, Hinge has 16 million monthly users, so perhaps trying out Hinge will help you widen your search for your perfect match.

Plenty of Fish started out as a dating site, and one reason they've been able to transition into the modern age is their acquisition by Match Group, who also owns Tinder and OKCupid. Match Group has been able to oversee the development and implementation of several dating apps, so they know what works on an app and what doesn't.

Small aside. Did you know it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more dates every day?

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot guys and girls, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly which pictures are good or not, and most importantly why.

So, what are you waiting for to take charge of your dating life?

Plenty of fish revenue: how many people pay for Plenty of fish?

Plenty of fish revenue: how many people pay for Plenty of fish?

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The revenue of Plenty of fish from 2018 to 2024

Plenty of Fish made about $100 million in 2024. This money comes from the users who shell out for the premium features on the app. Note that you don't need to pay for Plenty of Fish. It's known for being one of the bargain dating apps, giving you the best usability in the free version than any other app. On the other hand, if you are able to splurge some money on a dating app, 25% of Badoo users are paying users, meaning that if you choose to do the same, you could be at a great advantage!

The free version of the app allows you to match with potential partners, chat with them, and even send a few messages before you two decide it's a match. That's all that most people need, so don't get discouraged by the paywall if it's not something you're willing to pay for.

What do people get when they pay for Plenty of Fish? Here's what paying users get:

  • Add a total of 16 photos
  • Use of the Live! streaming feature
  • See more details about other users in their extended profiles
  • Bump your profile on the Meet Me list so other users see you first!
  • Track who's looked at your profile
  • "Seen" notifications in chat
  • Virtual gifts to send to your matches

Number of paying users in Plenty of fish in 2024

These aren't essential to having a good time on the dating app, as shown by the number of paying users. 500,000 of the users pay for the app, which is about 0.2% of all the users. As you can see, Plenty of Fish is a fully casual dating experience. Nobody can accuse it of being pay-to-win like they could with some of the other dating apps.

In case you didn't know, Plenty of Fish is owned by Match Group, who also owns Tinder. They've diversified their portfolio with apps that behave in a variety of ways. More dating services means more ways to meet people!

Different types of people are attracted to Tinder vs. Plenty of Fish, so if you're disillusioned with Tinder, why not try Plenty of Fish? It might be the dating service that leads you to your soulmate. You've got nothing to lose by downloading the POF app and getting started.

Small aside. Did you know it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more dates every day?

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot guys and girls, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly which pictures are good or not, and most importantly why.

So, what are you waiting for to take charge of your dating life?

Plenty of fish demographics: who uses Plenty of fish?

Plenty of fish demographics: who uses Plenty of fish?

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Plenty of fish male ratio
Pourcentage of male on Plenty of fish in 2024

It's always good to know the gender breakdown of POF users. Would you go to a party if you knew it was going to be all dudes? Hell no!

Plenty of Fish has about 75% males on the app. That might sound like way too many, but it's actually par for the course as far as dating apps go. In fact, 25% is a pretty good number of women to have on a dating app. If you think you're up against too much competition, you can overcome the fear by having a profile that blows them away and makes them want to talk to you more than anybody else.

Plenty of fish age statistics

Average Age of people on Plenty of fish in 2024

How old are POF users, generally? The average age of users on Plenty of Fish is 28 years old. It's a great way to meet users in their 20s, 30s, and even 40s. As always, you can set your age preference. Why not live a little and see what new perspectives the older generation can offer you? If you’re in your 30’s or 40’s and are looking for matches around your age, another dating app which could be perfect for you is which has an average age of 36 years old.

Plenty of fish users by country

Numbers of users per country in Plenty of fish in 2024

The vast majority of users from Plenty of Fish come from the US, but there's also a healthy amount of Canadian users on the app. It won't be hard at all to meet other people in your area, as it's one of the most well-known dating services you can use.

Did you know that most of our users were unaware of the exponential increase of dates by improving their profiles?

After receiving their profile AI score, they noticed a significant difference in their swiping game.

Let us provide you with actionable feedback and help you stay ahead in the dating game.

Plenty of fish statistics male vs female

Plenty of fish statistics male vs female

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There's one thing you should definitely learn before jumping into a new dating game. So many people jump on the app and see likes and matches, and it provides a bit of an ego boost. But apps can artificially inflate likes. When you find that out, you stop wanting to use the app.

Don't despair: there are still a lot of people using the app earnestly. You just have to learn their behavior and maximize your chances of meeting someone interesting.

Plenty of fish statistics for guys

guys on plenty of fish in 2024

Guys, it can be hard to stomach this: but you can expect to only get a match out of every 40 likes you give. The success rate for guys is not very flattering. But remember: the point of the app is to be put in touch with more people than before. The more people you meet, the likelier it is you'll meet your soulmate. It's simple statistics!

Pourcentage male less than one match a day in plenty of fish in 2024

Still, it's going to be a bit of an uphill battle. But it's one that you can master. The percentage of men that have less than a match per day is 52%, so just be patient.

Pourcentage male less than one match a week in plenty of fish in 2024

The cumulated percentage of men that have less than a match per week is 13%. When you get on the app and you like girls, don't think about how much it brings you down. Just keep trying and don't think too much about the matches you don't get. Focus on the ones you do get.

Plenty of fish statistics for girls

girls on plenty of fish in 2024

The success rate for girls in terms of the ratio of matches to likes is much different. However, it can be just as hard, if not harder, to be the one getting a ton of matches and not knowing which one to give your time to.

Women get on average 1 match out of every 2 likes. They have a 45% ratio of matches to likes.

Plenty of fish statistics male vs female

Setting matches aside, how do men and women swipe? What are the swipe statistics? How much are men and women liking vs. passing on each other?

Pass male in plenty of fish in 2024

As you could've predicted, men like way more than women. Men like about 1 out of every 3 profiles they come across, and they're really hoping to get a match out of all of them.

Pass female in plenty of fish in 2024

On the other hand, women like only 1 out of every 16 profiles they see. Guys, you're going to have to step up your game if you want her to notice you! But wasn't that always the case?

Did you know that most of our users were unaware of the exponential increase of dates by improving their profiles?

After receiving their profile AI score, they noticed a significant difference in their swiping game.

Let us provide you with actionable feedback and help you stay ahead in the dating game.



How prone is your profile to dates?

STOP swiping for nothing, get data-driven feedback and a clear action plan to get more dates.


What is the success rate of men on Plenty of Fish?

Men have a ratio of matches to swipes of 3%.

What it is the success rate of women on Plenty of Fish?

Women have a match/swipe ratio of 35%.

What is the average number of matches per day for a man on Plenty of Fish?

A man gets about 0.6 matches per day.

How many matches per day does the average woman have on Plenty of Fish?

A girl gets about 5 matches per day.

How many Plenty of Fish users are there?

150M in 2024

How old are the users on Plenty of Fish?

28 yo

How many people pay on Plenty of Fish?

500k, or 0.2% of users.

What is the percentage of males on Plenty of Fish?

75% of the users on Plenty of Fish are male.

Where is Plenty of Fish the most used?

United States

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As you can see, Plenty of Fish is a pretty viable way to meet new people, but there's some things you'll have to keep in mind first. At the end of the day, it's your personality that will attract someone. Spend enough time on the app, learn the rules of the game, and you're bound to meet someone eventually!

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Ben Bailey

Ben is one of the best Dating Experts I've ever met and one of the few that cracked the algorithm of online dating. Every week, Ben is publishing new articles on ROAST, helping 20M+ of people to get more matches, dates, and find the one!

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