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Dating App Statistics

20+ Statistics to Know About Dating Apps Before Swiping Right in 2024

Find out how Tinder and other dating apps work with this overview of dating app statistics. Get more matches by learning who uses the app and how.

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Published September 26, 2023 -Updated March 4, 2024

Dating App Statistics

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You've decided to get into online dating. The first question is, which dating site or app should you go with? There's apps for every kind of situation, making it a good idea to go with the dating site that caters towards your dating preferences. In this article, we go through the online dating statistics for all the big-name online dating sites, pointing out some key demographics and dating styles.

However, you might find that casting a wide net with many different dating sites can also yield successful results. You might strike up a great conversation for being so unalike the other people on the same app! In the end, the best dating app is the one that gets you to meet someone new.

Pay special attention to the wording of that last sentence. The best online dating service helps you meet someone new. We're not saying your future soulmate, and we're not saying a one-night stand.

By saying “someone new,” we hope to remind you that people are complicated and multi-faceted, constantly growing from their life experiences. A new acquaintance from a dating app might seem like one type of person, and then they might turn into a completely other type of person – someone who surprises, compels, and fascinates you.

Instead of heading straight for the forever-after talk, we'd like to encourage you to think of dating life as something open and undefined, constantly changing. An online dating site is just there to aid in that process.

The main reason? This is how people work. That's the first thing to remember when going into online dating sites, or reading about dating app statistics in an article like this one. Statistics will only tell you part of the story; the rest of it you'll have to figure out as you go along.

With that out of the way, let's break down what kind of people use dating apps.

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Table of Contents

Here is the outline of the article, feel free to jump to the section that interests you the most.

  1. Online Dating is More Common Than Not for Young People
  2. About a Fifth of Committed Relationships Under 29 Started on an App
  3. Most Apps Have About Three Times As Many Men As Women
  4. You Might – No, You WILL Get Disappointed Sometimes
  5. Most People Are On These Apps To Find A Serious Relationship
  6. Not Many Users Pay For These Apps
  7. The Majority Of Young Women Have Been Harassed On Dating Apps
  8. What These Statistics Say About Dating Apps in 2024
Online Dating is More Common Than Not for Young People

Online Dating is More Common Than Not for Young People

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Just over half of adults under 29 years old say they have used a dating app – more than any other age group - Online Dating, pewresearch, . What's more, they are the first age group to break 50%, which means you're more likely to meet someone who has online dated than someone who hasn't.

This means one very important thing: if you're under 29 and looking to date, you're shooting yourself in the foot by not getting on an online dating platform. There's 75 million users on it and 50% of those are in their 20s! - Tinder Statistics in 2024, Roast. That's quite simply how people are communicating these days. They're all online daters! It might seem hard at first, but once you learn how to play the game, you'll start flourishing before you know it.

What's more, most online daters have never been married, meaning it's a ton of people just waiting to meet each other! If you jump into an online dating platform with reasonable expectations and a positive outlook, you're bound to meet somebody in no time. Online dating services might do a few small things to get your money, but your success on online dating platforms doesn't correlate to how much you spend.

The top online dating app for this age group is undoubtedly Tinder. While it's only the entry-level app, the volume of users will ensure you meet somebody during your time there. You might have some doubts about meeting the love of your life on there, but finding a date through Tinder is almost like a rite of passage these days. What you learn from the experience will help you grow and figure out what you want out of a partner. You can always move to OkCupid, which is still flourishing with 70 million active users - OkCupid Statistics in 2024 , Roast.

Make the online dating app work for you; turn it into an opportunity for more experience.

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About a Fifth of Committed Relationships Under 29 Started on an App

About a Fifth of Committed Relationships Under 29 Started on an App

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Do you know five people in a relationship? Chances are, one of them -Online Dating , pewresearch, started on a dating app. How crazy is that? The number changes to about one in ten when you consider all adults, but that's still quite a lot!

If you're LGB and looking for romance, you can't afford not to be on some online dating sites. That's because 1 in 4 committed LGB relationships started through a dating app! Online dating services have managed to turn into a viable alternative channel for many different kinds of people.

You might waffle and demur and say that dating apps aren't for you, but look at where the people are going. Is it really smart to see where they're all headed and turn and go the other way? If you want to be alone, that's fine, but you probably don't if you're reading this right now. Maybe all you need is a bit of bravery.

Maybe you're curious and you haven't decided to take the plunge yet. Well, don't wait around too long; the sooner you get through the first awkward, fumbling attempts, the sooner you'll know what is and isn't for you. Wouldn't you rather know than wonder? There's nothing to be afraid of on online dating services.

Ready to ditch the dating overwhelm? Relax, we've got you covered. it just takes 2 min to begin!

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by dating experts, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

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Most Apps Have About Three Times As Many Men As Women

Most Apps Have About Three Times As Many Men As Women

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This is the hard truth of it, whether you're a man or a woman. If you're a man, it means there's way too much supply and you're less likely to get a woman's attention on online dating sites. If you're a woman, it means a whole lot of mediocrity and disgusting messages. We're not here to say who has it worse, so let's just say it can get pretty difficult for both parties.

Tinder is most guilty of this lopsidedness, with 75% of its users being men and 25% women -Tinder Statistics in 2024, Roast. The app is trying to remedy this with a rollout of new privacy features, helping women have a more fun time on the app. It includes a filter that blocks abusive or inappropriate messages. This will hopefully attract female users back to online dating platforms.

Hinge has much less of a sausage problem, with 2/3rds of users being men -Hinge Statistics in 2024 Roast, and this particular online dating service isn't meant for you to blast through large volumes of people anyway. The layout of profiles and bios is about taking your time and seeing if your interest is piqued. It's the dating site or app where the total volume of users matters the least – though it sits at a healthy 15 million a month as of now – and the app's branding says that their ultimate goal is to have you uninstall the app one day! Getting to know someone slowly and selectively is the name of the game with Hinge.

Whichever online dating site you're using, you can cut through the noise by being careful and intentional with your matches and messages. Don't try to be like everyone else with your profile; make it funny but make it personal. Keep it short, and never rely on the lines that everyone else uses. Oh, and make sure your profile picture game is on point – that's something you can get down to a science with the right people on your team.

Ready to ditch the dating overwhelm? Relax, we've got you covered. it just takes 2 min to begin!

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by dating experts, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

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You Might – No, You WILL Get Disappointed Sometimes

You Might – No, You WILL Get Disappointed Sometimes

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Let's face it: profile bios and online dating services are a way to hide your imperfections. Survey results show that people are slightly more likely to be disappointed than excited by a real-life meetup, with 87-90% of people getting disappointed by the other person's behavior or appearance - Online dating”, pewresearch. But hold on! 75-81% of online daters say that they have been excited by someone they've met in real life. What's an awkward date or two on the way to a great encounter like that?

Predictably, women tend to get overwhelmed by a large volume of messages (54% of women agree), while men tend to feel insecure by a lack of messages (64% of men agree) on online dating sites. It won't all be easy on these dating apps. You'll want to give up more than once.

We want to emphasize that online dating sites aren't about having the best experience the whole time. It's about increasing the number of people that you meet – period. If you meet more people, and you treat each new person with diligence and respect, then one of those people is going to become someone very special to you. It's not just highly probable – it's pretty much inevitable. Dating apps are just another way to get introduced to more people.

Still hesitant about dating apps? Putting on a mask covering your true self and feeling fake? Consider this: people will hold a lot of respect for you if you can flourish in many kinds of situations.

If you can have a positive attitude and make an effort even where you don't feel comfortable, you're going to impress more people. One of those people you impress might become someone very special to you. It'll all be thanks to an online dating site.

If you're scared, that's a good thing. It means you're emotionally invested. And remember: bravery only emerges in a situation that scares you.

Ready to ditch the dating overwhelm? Relax, we've got you covered. it just takes 2 min to begin!

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by dating experts, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

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Most People Are On These Apps To Find A Serious Relationship

Most People Are On These Apps To Find A Serious Relationship

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If you regard Tinder or other dating apps as glorified hook-up portals, you can think again. The numbers don't lie -- about half of Tinder's users want a serious relationship -Tinder Statistics in 2024, Roast. Maybe it's a surprise to learn that most people actually want something serious out of their time on a dating app. Maybe the online dating industry isn't so bad?

Someone that goes on Tinder and dashes off the most low-effort bio and treats everyone like a child – they will not find any success on the app. Social interaction hinges on what people expect from each other. If you expect to find someone immature, you will find someone immature. Why not find reasons to be intrigued by other people, or assume that each person has serious feelings and a complex inner life? We're not psychologists, but we would bet that any psychologist would agree that you are much more likely to find success in relationships this way.

A complex inner life is going to take a long time to uncover whether you meet someone in real life or online. So then, what's the difference? Why not do the thing that puts more people in your path? Why not try a dating app? We've already shown you that most people on them want to really get to know new people.

Small aside. Did you know it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more matches every day?

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot guys and girls, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly which pictures are good or not, and most importantly why.

So, what are you waiting for to take charge of your dating life?

Not Many Users Pay For These Apps

Not Many Users Pay For These Apps

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If you look at the statistics, you'll find that 4.6% of Bumble users are paying users -Bumble Statistics in 2024, Roast. 14% of Tinder users are paying users -Tinder Statistics in 2024, Roast. Whatever the results were, there are a few things about dating apps that you should know. One is that you will not benefit that much from paying.

Two is that some of the benefits you get from a paid account will come to you for free – as long as you have the right kind of profile and behavior when online dating. Apps like Tinder and Bumble push you to the top of the stack for nearby users based on an algorithm; that algorithm analyzes your profile picture and tracks how many successful conversations you have.

Three is that dating apps are designed like games beyond the swiping mechanic. You start out with little experience, and you build your way up a ladder until you find the people you're more likely to match with. Those who tap out of Tinder early are missing out on what the app truly has to offer.

As previously mentioned, you can “level up” by having a well-written bio, the right kinds of profile pics, and positive interactions. With profile pictures, an algorithm does some of the analyzing, so as long as the robot can detect that you're smiling and your face is a certain size in the picture (not too close or far away), it will judge you positively. There's far more tips where that came from, and you stand to meet a whole lot more people on online dating platforms if you follow them.

More positive conversations is a must. Avoid scammers or bios that are surreptitiously advertising an OnlyFans account – watch out for pictures that look fake or staged or bios that have very little text. Tinder might dock you points just for matching with these types of accounts, so beware. You'll get a sense for who's genuine on the app with time and experience. Expect to get dropped without a second thought if you break any of Raya's rules - Raya Statistics in 2024, Roast. If you're lucky enough to get on that rare dating app that's evenly split 50/50 between men and women, you probably already know that.

Small aside. Did you know it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more matches every day?

Thanks to our AI trained on 10,000+ pictures rated by hot guys and girls, you will be able to access personalized feedback and tips to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly which pictures are good or not, and most importantly why.

So, what are you waiting for to take charge of your dating life?

The Majority Of Young Women Have Been Harassed On Dating Apps

The Majority Of Young Women Have Been Harassed On Dating Apps

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We mentioned that Tinder is rolling out new features that filter harassment, but the fact still stands that 56% of women have been sent sexually explicit content they didn't ask for. Something has to change not in the functionality of the app or the online dating industry, but the way that people treat each other on these apps.

Guys reading this, you might want to watch yourself and how you respond on these online dating platforms. This is not to say that you're likely to fall into abusive language at any point – but keep in mind what kind of red flags women have gotten used to, and don't blame them for being sensitive to those red flags.

Politeness is key. You can avoid any kind of misunderstanding by being a gentleman, by taking a genuine interest, and by not being too pushy.

It won't do to position yourself as the “exception” to the rule; that in itself is a major red flag, as those people tend to be just like everyone else. You just have to reorient how you talk to women on the app. For example, if you're on the app hoping to have a date set up or an Instagram tag obtained, that's fine. But if you get angry because you haven't gotten these things, you won't find any success on the app. Period. Never at any point feel that you are owed anything.

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What These Statistics Say About Dating Apps in 2024

What These Statistics Say About Dating Apps in 2024

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There's never been a better time to get on dating apps. Those in their 30s will remember when online dating services were a cute diversion, but now it's the norm. You could go so far as to say that you're losing opportunities by not giving it a try now, while you're young. (If you don't think of yourself as young, note that there's similar apps available for every age group, each of them thriving with 75 million users Statistics in 2024, Roast.

Point is, there's nothing on the other end of that screen but another person. Another person with wants and needs just like yours. That's nothing to be afraid of – in fact, think of how much fun it could be to learn about how much you have in common. The greatest treasure of all could be waiting for both of you after months of talking and getting to know each other. All it started with was a swipe. How beautiful is that?


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Conclusion'll take some work and patience, though. The first bit of patience is about starting on the dating site or app, and setting up your profile so that it gets seen by as many people as possible. We mentioned an algorithm, and it is very powerful when it comes to who you match with. Not to mention the effect that your profile will have on the people who encounter you on the app. There is a way to get Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, etc. down to a science so that you show up as the best version of yourself.

We implore you – don't start using these apps until you've put some thought into your profile pictures and bio. Is your bio all group pictures? Try again. Are you not smiling broadly in any of them? Back to the drawing board. Is there only one picture? Not good enough.

Dating apps are a skill you can learn, so take note of the best advice and apply it accordingly. Or, you know, just get professional assistance from online dating industry experts. Might take less long.

Hopefully this is enough to get you motivated to get good at Tinder or whichever online dating site you prefer. Happy swiping!

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Ben Bailey

Ben is one of the best Dating Experts I've ever met and one of the few that cracked the algorithm of online dating. Every week, Ben is publishing new articles on ROAST, helping 20M+ of people to get more matches, dates, and find the one!

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