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Essential Tips on How to Turn a Girl On?

How To Turn A Girl: A Full Guide to Make Her Want You (2024 Edition)

Discover a gentleman's guide on how to turn a girl on to deepen your connection and create lasting sexual desire.

Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey

Roast Founder, Dating and AI Expert

Published September 18, 2023 -Updated March 4, 2024

Essential Tips on How to Turn a Girl On?

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Not sure how to trigger sexual arousal in your girl on and make her want you more desperately? Well, there are a lot of simple things that can turn women; no matter if its a first date or tenth. We promise you a comprehensive guide that will help you understand what girls love and expect.

We have compiled the best turn-ons for you to ignite passion and build a deeper sexual relationship with your partner. Explore a range of techniques that cater to your partner's sexual desires, ensuring an unforgettable and mutually satisfying sex life.

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Table of Contents

Here is the outline of the article, feel free to jump to the section that interests you the most.

  1. Importance of learning how to arouse a girl sexually
  2. What little things can turn most women? A Gentleman's secret to sexual success
Importance of learning how to arouse a girl sexually

Importance of learning how to arouse a girl sexually

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Is it really necessary to turn on a girl? Well, if you want to surprise your girl and want her to enjoy the most, then you need to invest some time to get her warmed up. Most guys make the mistake of skipping this part, but girls need time to get ready and feel those special tingly feelings.

Spend some time on foreplay to make your women get turned on, have more fun, and experience an unforgettable orgasm. Extended foreplay has the advantage of reducing the chances of premature ejaculation or experiencing performance issues during intimacy.

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What little things can turn most women? A Gentleman's secret to sexual success

What little things can turn most women? A Gentleman's secret to sexual success

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All women are unique in their way, and the way they feel sexual pleasure is also different in all of them. But today's list can help you get a special insight into how to turn most women; sexually, mentally, physically, emotionally, or in any way known to mankind.

So, let's get started without further ado.

Part 1: Making her feel comfortable

1. Make her feel appreciated:

You need to compliment her and make her feel beautiful about herself. Reminding a woman how beautiful she is, is a major turn-on for a woman. It builds her self-esteem and increases her love for you.

Here are a few examples:

  • Use cute, loving greetings whenever you see her. Like Hello, darling or Hey beautiful.
  • Don't forget to praise and compliment her, like “You look amazingly beautiful today.”

2. Hold her gaze longer

It is pretty basic, but the magic it holds is profound. Strong, prolonged eye contact with your girl is sexy. You need to truly look in her eyes and hold her gaze longer than usual. Caution: don't scare her with a horrible glare. Try “TRIANGLE GAZE METHOD". Look in her right eye for three seconds, then in her left eye, and then at her lips. Such intimate moments can melt any woman's heart.

3. Suit up like a gentleman

Starting from cleaning up well to smelling good and behaving your best shows her that you respect and prioritize your relationship.

  • Get cleaned: Clean up, get a shower, and wear clean clothes. Get a shave and a good haircut for a polished, groomed look. This will help you be more confident about yourself.
  • Use a good scent: Make sure to smell good as it shows your good hygiene, and it's an instant turn-on for girls. It can either be your aftershave or a mouthwash for that pleasant manly scent.
  • Wear a smile: A beautiful dazzling smile will tell her that you love being around her.
  • Try a sexy accent: A foreign accent can instantly turn on most women. It can be British, French, or just your deep, male voice to make her melt away.
  • Dress for the occasion: Dress well and according to the place you are going to spend time. Is it a beach, party or a date night at an exotic restaurant?

Part 2: Getting closer to her

1. Have a heart-to-heart conversation

Before moving on with any stunt, take a moment and have a real conversation with her. First, you need to clarify to her that you consider her as more than just a friend to avoid any misunderstandings. Express your feelings and build an emotional connection with her. Touching a girl without her consent can be categorized as sexual assault. It's the last thing you need to do.

2. Work out together

One of the biggest turn-ons is to work out together. It is the perfect way to extend your relationship without sexual interaction. It lets her see how attractive your body is and what she is missing out on. Besides, women always feel positive about doing productive activities with their partners. So, it's going to be a fulfilling experience for her.

4. Express your intention

Outside the bedroom, initiate with soft, gentle touches that express your desire. Whether you are on a date, shopping together, or watching a movie together, your gentle touch is a major turn-on for most women.

Pro tip: Ears are considered the extremely sensitive erogenous zone for both males and females. Your light breaths on her ear can feel beautiful.

5. Touching her body

Intimate touches inside and outside the bedroom can turn a woman easily. Most girl's soft spots include:

  • Neck: Running fingers in her hair, an arm around her shoulder, and a gentle rub on her neck can turn a girl.
  • Wrist: Soft strokes and kisses on the palm and wrist can turn women too.
  • Legs: When you guys are sitting, gently rest your hand on her thigh/knee. You can give her slow rubs over her leg.
  • Hair: Playing with her hair and twirling and stroking her hair will all make her feel turned on.

6. Cuddle with her:

It is the most innocent act of expressing your sexual desire and love. Cuddles can undoubtedly turn women on. While sitting, put your arm around her shoulder and let her feel relaxed on you. Take her in your arms and on your lap, and give her soft, gentle snuggles. Another way is to spoon her when you two are in bed.

7. Surprise her with a massage

Want to turn on a girl? Try a simple massage, and she is all yours. No complicated ones, just a basic massage: Sit at her back and rub her shoulders, neck, and back area with light pressure using your thumb.

Pro tip: You can also try a hair and foot massage, as it's a major turn-on for many women.

Part 3: Taking a bigger leap

1. Read her body language

Random physical touches on her body while helping her get in the car or passing a spoon are all perfect for turning on a girl. Make sure to read her body language. Only proceed if she's comfortable with you touching her waist, hand, or any other body part.

2. Be ready to dominate her when she wants you to

Most men like to have control when in bed, and women also prefer it as long as they feel safe. But playing safe while making love is not a good thing. Arouse sexual sensation by being a bit aggressive and crazy about each other. You can pull her hair or wrist or bite her lip to cause a bit of tension.

3. Build sexual tension:

Use polarization to build sexual tension. Make her feel like a woman and wake her feminine urge to get the most exotic sexual experience of her life. Find the right moments to do this.

4. Talking dirty

Seize the right moment and have that sexy, dirty talk about sex with your partner. Suggest a few thought-provoking to make her imagine you in bed with her. If you are not with her, her sexy, flirty texts make her wet, horny, and feel your absence. Sexy text messages are a significant turn-on if you manage to deliver the right dirty pick-up lines.

Part 4: Driving her crazy

1. Start with an extraordinary kiss:

Once you analyze her flushed cheeks and turned-on behavior, get in to give her a fantastic kiss. Keep your tongue movements delicate, and the head movements should be slow and delicate. Put your hands at the back of her neck or around her face or waist while kissing.

2. Know her intimate erogenous zones:

Make things more intense by advancing your kisses to more intimate erogenous zones like the neck, shoulders, throat, collar ones, ears, inner thighs, belly button, and bottom of the spine. Use soft, light touches and slow kisses to find the area that will turn her on.

3. Make her orgasm

Take time to savour every moment of foreplay because that's when many women tend to feel the most pleasure. Fulfilling her sexual needs and encouraging her to know what she loves in bed can make all the difference in her sex life. Let your girl orgasm first and learn to give the best oral sex to idolise your sex pleasures with her.

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Try these little everyday things and see your love life-changing. If, like most guys, you think your presence is enough to turn on a girl, you are mistaken. Buckle up your masculine energy to make your dream girl fall hard and fast for you.

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Ben Bailey

Ben is one of the best Dating Experts I've ever met and one of the few that cracked the algorithm of online dating. Every week, Ben is publishing new articles on ROAST, helping 20M+ of people to get more matches, dates, and find the one!

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